Computer Lab
Please see the Planet Bravo website for more information on our Computer Lab program and curriculum by clicking HERE or the image to the right.
Musical Arts
Music Corner
Mrs. Williamson runs two vocal programs here at Clover during the school day.
The Chorus Program: Our chorus program consists of a 5th Grade Chorus in the Fall Semester
and a 4th Grade Chorus in the Spring. Choral education is an invaluable experience where
children learn proper singing technique and a wide repetoire of choral music (including 2
part harmony). Above all choral singing for children brings the joy and pride of being one
big team, expressing themselves in a splendid, unified effort. The 5th Grade Chorus will be
performing at the Century City Shopping Mall in Dec. (TBD) and at the Clover December
Concert. The chorus music for Fall/Winter can be found at
General Music Education: The curriculum that I teach all students Kindergarten through 5th Grade is comprised of a balanced and sequential program of singing, playing instruments, listening to music, improvising and composing, and moving to music. Also included are learning experiences designed to develop the ability to read music, use the notation and terminology of music, analyze and describe music, make informed evaluations concerning music, and understand music and music practices in relation to history and culture and to other disciplines in the curriculum.
"I love teaching music and take great joy in seeing students excited about learning to read music, sing a great variety of styles, play their Orff instruments and perform. I am a certified Orff teacher. I have received certification in 2 levels of Orff at Cal. State Los Angeles. I have also taken Music for Children and World Music at Cal State Dominguez HIlls. I am a K-12 Vocal and Instrumental credentialed teacher.
My B.A. is from the University of Nebraska. I have taken many Music Theory Classes, Conducting Classes, Ear Training, SIght Singing and Performance classes. I have taught music for a total of 18 years. I have also spent 10 years as a professional actress and director in musical theatre in NYC and around the country." - Mrs. Williamson
Physical Education
Our Physical Education program at Clover is run by Star Education, Inc. For more information, visit their website by clicking HERE.
You can also see and download our daily/weekly P.E. schedule HERE.
"STAR Education offers a wide range of project based/inquiry based supplemental service programs during the school day. Designed to support the curricular needs of each school, these programs are custom tailored to support the instruction of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts (Visual and Performing), Math and Literacy in collaboration with the individual classroom teachers. With the goal to inspire both instructors and students to engage in extensive hands-on learning, these programs range from a one day super event to modular single classroom programs to full year programs for the entire school or district."
Visual Arts
The visual arts program here at Clover services all classes throughout the year. All students come to the Art room for at least one eight-week session per year. Our time together is spent refining our skills of observation, broadening our vocabulary, developing craft, and enjoying the creative process. We emphasize process over product but we do take tremendous pride in sharing our work with others.
Come by the Art Room (Room 9) to visit our ever-changing gallery and the State Framework that guides our lessons. Some examples are available by clicking the
"Student Art Gallery" button on the right.